Branding Design: Should You Start a Pinterest Board?

A common branding question we get from clients is “should I start a Pinterest board?” Our answer? Yes, but with a little caveat. Start gathering images that describe your ideal client or customer. Pin images that represent the product or service you offer and how you want people to feel experiencing it. 

But, here’s the caveat - in finding your inspiration be sure to leave off any graphic design, layouts, or logo pins. Our goal is to start with your “why,” not someone else’s “what.” We want your Pinterest board to align with your brand strategy and brand image. 

If we could tell you one thing, it would be to let go of what other people are doing with their business. Once you start looking at what everyone else is already doing, it’s hard not to get your heart set on someone else’s brand. It’s so easy to get caught up in what someone else’s logo or website looks like and forget your unique perspective and personality.

We want to help you realize the message, style, talent, and heart your brand already has. We want to focus on designing a brand that is completely unique to you and your vision. Because there is only one you. That’s what makes your brand special.



Pinterest is a fantastic tool, and we want to help you make the most of it. So first ask yourself. . .

Why do you do what you do?

Who is your dream client?

How do you want to make them feel?

Your Pinterest board should be full of photos that reflect the audience you want to reach and the emotions you want your brand to evoke.

Here are a couple examples. . .

  • Are you an interior designer? What kind of spaces do you design? What is your aesthetic? How do you want people to feel in the spaces you design? 

  • Maybe you own a coffee shop? What sort of atmosphere and experience do you want to create for your customers? How do you envision customers interacting in your coffee shop?

Regardless of who your brand is or what your brand does, your Pinterest images should highlight your brand style along with the feelings and experiences you want to give you clients.

Here’s a quick Pinterest assignment to help you get started!

Create a private Pinterest board. Start pinning images that describe your ideal client and the feeling of your brand. Focus on pulling in a consistent color palette that feels like you and that you think will appeal to your client. But remember, don’t pin any graphic design. We want your Pinterest ideas to reflect your brand and your client, not anyone else’s.


There is a world of inspiration out there on Pinterest, right there at our fingertips. And while we love Pinterest, we’ll admit all of those beautiful photos can make it easy to get overwhelmed or stray away from your brand vision.

Make sure to stay the course and focus solely on the Pinterest images that portray the exact feelings you want to evoke in your clients. Because that’s the goal in branding, to make people feel something. 

Whenever we’re creating a Pinterest board (or any sort of vision board, for that matter!) we have a few guidelines we like to follow to stay focused on the project at hand. Want to know what they are? Keep on reading!

01 | Color Palette

Your Pinterest board is a great resource to help you refine your color scheme! Now that you’ve pinpointed (no pun intended) the emotions you want your brand to give off, you can narrow in on a color palette that evokes those same feelings. The colors you choose will contribute to emotion and memorability. They should feel like you and capture your brand personality.

02 | Fashion Moments

We love a good fashion moment, and pinning outfits is so helpful when it comes to defining your dream client. Pick the outfit that your client “lives in.” Are they trendy? Maybe a little boho? Or do they lean towards more chic and classic styles? Feel free to include everything from clothing to accessories, colors, textures, and brands. 

03 | Places and Spaces

Places and spaces can be split into two categories – the places you enjoy, and the places your ideal client enjoys. 

Let’s start with your space. Focus on gathering images that capture the feeling of your brand within your office space and even in your home. If you’re refreshing those spaces, what is your vision for them? What would your dream space look like? Keep in mind, your space tells a lot about your story. If you’re bringing clients into your office or studio, their experience in that space shapes their impression of your brand.

Now that we’ve touched on your space, we can focus on your client’s space. Gather some more defining details about your ideal client. Where do they enjoy spending time? Do they spend their days typing away on their laptop and sipping coffee at the local café? Do they prefer more modern or more traditional spaces? Or possibly a combination of both? 

The places you pin should accomplish two things: 

  • They should be spaces your dream client would love.

  • They should feel on brand with your business. 

Your Pinterest ideas could include Airbnbs, hotels, restaurants, coffee shops, boutiques, apartments, estates, or vacation homes — whatever is relevant to the spaces your client lives in or loves to be. Feel free to pull in smaller details too, including candles, shoes, cocktails, or bags your client would be obsessed with!

04 | Work Inspiration

Last, but certainly not least, gather photos of your most defining work or Pinterest images of the type of work you strive to be doing. Include Pinterest ideas that show the detail, style, price point, texture, and emotion that is characteristic of the type of work you want to be known for. But again, don’t get too caught up in the work other people are doing. 

“If you can focus on being as true as possible to the reason for why you do what you do, you’ll never second guess the final product or succumb to trends that don’t really work for you.” 

— Jessica McSweeney

Now that quote belongs on a Pinterest board. 

We hope these branding tips will help you create the Pinterest board of your dreams. Always remember to stay inspired by your client’s sense of style, and to be true to you and your unique brand! Happy Pinteresting!

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