How to Increase Viability for Your Business with Strong PR

"It doesn’t matter how good you are if people don’t know that you exist." 

Your brand shouldn’t be a best-kept secret. In order for your brand to serve people best, they need to know exactly what you offer and what makes your brand special.

That's why it's so important to make sure you’re getting your brand out into the world.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Kathryn recently did a Coffee with Crème featuring @drtiffanyeurich on all things PR. Many times, when we hear "PR" or “public relations”, we think about celebrities or public figures (Tiffany uses the Kardashians as an example). But for small business owners, PR is important because it helps us reach the people who need our products or services. 

We learned so much from Kathryn’s chat with Tiffany. There were some amazing bits of information, and we’re sharing some of our takeaways right here on the blog!


To start, PR is all about service focused marketing. It helps get your brand to your target audience, to your dream client. 

In the chat, Tiffany comments that “being a best-kept secret is a great compliment, but a horrible business model.” So true, right?! In order to build brand awareness and brand equity, you have to market your brand out into the world. 

We get it, it can be scary to put yourself out there for the public eye to see. But think of it like this… PR is rarely about you. It’s more about the product and/or service you’re trying to sell. It’s about how your brand can serve others.


We’re guessing when you hear PR you immediately think dollar signs. But we’re telling you it’s possible to get effective PR without breaking the bank. It just takes some time and intention. It starts with taking a close look at your business and your ultimate goals for marketing your brand.

First, you need to spot a primary goal. Are you looking to build brand awareness? Are you looking to break into a new segment of the market? Or maybe you’re in the stage of dreaming up your own brand?

Let’s build on the dreaming stage a bit. Even if you haven’t fully launched your brand, you can start working on PR right now! You have the world of social media right at your fingertips. You can pitch content around your expertise before you even have a product or service to sell. This builds brand awareness and credibility, so that once you do officially launch your brand you’re already a step ahead of the game. You already have a solid following and an audience who has highly anticipated your brand launch. 


But how exactly do you create content to build PR and make the most of your marketing strategy? In Coffee with Crème, Tiffany suggests building a press kit.

A press kit is basically a group of assets for your brand to entice the media to cover you. But in order to build your press kit, you first need to identify who you’re trying to appeal to. 

  • Who is your target audience and where are they hanging out? 

  • How can you best reach them and build genuine connections with them? 

  • What are you offering that can serve someone in your audience? 

  • How are you addressing their specific problems and pain points?

  • What is special about your brand that sets you apart from other businesses in your industry?

Once you’ve answered those questions, you’re ready to build your press kit, and start reaching out to as many media outlets as possible! 

Remember, at the end of the day it’s about getting your brand out there for people to find. Now is the time to elevate your PR and marketing strategies to take your brand to the next level!

To hear even our whole conversation with @drtiffanyeurich head on over to our profile @cremebrands and go to our IGTV. 

So now that you know how important PR is to building viability for your business, what are your takeaways? Is there anything that surprised you about PR? We want to know, so leave your comments below!

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